** Make use of our crystal bouquet stands to secure your bouquet as you craft. Apply a small amount of glue to the crystal point to prevent chips and breakage.
Use the white foam ball for dried, preserved, faux, or wood flowers. Do not use the white foam ball for fresh flowers.
To secure your foam ball to the crystal handle: position the ball on a flat surface and insert the handle halfway into the center. Detach the crystal, use hot glue to fill the hole, and reattach the handle. Wait for 1-2 minutes for it to dry.
Use hot glue to secure the stems. If you need to position the stems first and then glue after, that's perfectly fine. Put glue on the stem first and then reinsert.
Hot glue will not damage your crystal handle.
Do not put dried flowers in the green foam ball.
Soak the green foam ball in water before arranging your flowers. Do not submerge the ball; set it on the water's surface and let it absorb the water by itself. The absorption process generally takes less than 30 seconds.
Your flowers will only remain fresh for 1-2 days after being arranged, so it's crucial to assemble your bouquet the evening before your wedding day. Store your flowers in a cold environment. Fridge, outside or garage (cold weather only).
Glue is unnecessary in the placement of your stems. Glue will block the stems ability to stay hydrated.
Utilize the cage around the green foam ball to support heavy weight flowers or thicker stems.
Refrain from removing the flowers once they are in place. The foam base is easily damaged by frequent movement.
Use your greenery to create the shape of your bouquet. your greens should act as a frame for your flowers. Using 2-3 different types of greenery will give your bouquet texture and depth.
Your focal flowers are usually your largest flowers.
Arranging your flowers entirely depends on the look or style you’re going for. There is no specific way to arrange your flowers. Much like painting or drawing, flower arranging is an art form so it will differ from person to person. -
Your filler flowers will fill the gaps between your greenery and focal flowers. This is usually the last step in the arranging process.
This is also a good time to add any extra greenery that you feel needs to be worked in.